Friday, June 21, 2019

Back into the In-Between

Well here we are again... the in-between.

In the quite large space between blog posts quite a lot has happened.

I met the love of my life, spent 4 years at a company I loved, experienced Game of Thrones, adopted 3 cats, ran a marathon, bought and sold our first property, traveled around Thailand, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, saw many a shooting star, camped and road tripped all over the U.S., did a triathlon, got married to the man of my dreams, quit that company I loved, traveled around Argentina for a month, and have ended back where I started... on my parents couch...until we make the next big leap in a couple weeks and move to Colorado!

Tonight, I stumbled back upon this blog... it is like a blanket of all the warm memories.

It's weird cause when you're young, you see all the adults around you and they've lost their spark, their sense of magic and you say to yourself, you're never going to be like that. But alas... you get a job, you get a mortgage, you get responsibilities and slowly, so slowly you didn't realize it happened, you became that person you swore off.

As I re-read the things I wrote here- in vanity, in a therapeutic release, words written purely for myself but in a public forum - I see both how immature and silly some of it is, how much I cared what people thought back then... I also see a person who was wildly more creative, more varied and relaxed in their thoughts, who had more mental tools at their disposal and was more experimental by nature.

I want to re-capture some of that spirit again while I rest here in the in-between of life for brief second. I've gifted myself with this pause on life and I intend to use it. I owe it to the younger, current and future versions of me.

So let's do it...

P.S., Marie, this is for you. I love you.

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